
My name is Ashley Cox. Originally from the Atlanta, Ga area, my family and I recently relocated to Fulton, MS, where my husband is the youth minister at Itawamba Christian Church. I stay at home with Jensen, Memphis and Judson, our 3 sweet kids!

Here is a little about why I am doing what I am doing: I got a 35mm camera for Christmas when I was in 5th grade, and every couple of years I always upgraded!  A few years ago, when our son Jensen was born I finally got a DSLR. I have loved taking photos of school events, trips with friends, church events and more recently my kids and our trips/vacations! I have always wanted to ensure that I always had a hard copy of memories!

Since I stay at home, I wanted to have something to call "mine" or to spend time doing something for me, and my husband and I decided that photography was what it should be! Since I already love to have a camera in my hand and have spent a lot of time over the years asking for people to "get together" or "smile" for a picture, we thought that with a little investment for more/better equipment, it would be the perfect thing for me to dip my toes into! So here we are!

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